Resposta 1: You also need to see Assault on Precinct 1-12 if you want to understand Assault on Precinct 13.
Resposta 2: Maybe you should see "The Taking of Pelham 123", where all three movies are combined into one.
Resposta 3: The first one is great, but part 2 is where the films just started to become pretentious. However, the series started to pick up again in the later films, so I have high hopes for part 9.
Resposta 4: See, this is where opinions start to differ. I think District's 6 and 7 are the best in the series, but District 1 certainly has it's merits.
Resposta 5: I would advice you to watch only the odd numbers parts, like D-1, D-3, D-5, D-7 and hopefully to mantain the tradition D-9 will be good just like the other odds prequels
Resposta 6: Why does Hollywood keep making crappy sequels in a franchise that has long been dead?
Resposta 7: Come on guys, only one comment about D-5? That one was clearly the best in the series, without a doubt. 5 was just something special, a breath of fresh air. Plus, the beautiful alien sex scene elevated the movie to more of an art piece than a movie. And the scene with the lasagna? Don't even get me started.
Resposta 8: Just before you watch '2012' this coming November, make sure you start with 'Year One'.
Resposta 9: I definitely liked Steve Carell's cameo in District 3. He nailed that janitor part, especially when he gives the birthday cake to that baby alien. I wonder if they're gonna add any humor to this one, because they got a bit dark as they went on.
Resposta 10: This was like the time I was watching Ocean's One. It starred George Clooney and that's it.
Caros leitores, façam o favor de continuar a corrente sarcástica nos comentários. Quero pelo menos mais dez respostas tão boas como estas.
5 comentários:
Na minha opinião os tres primeiros foram bastante bons! com a adição daqueles pormenores no 3ºfilme e do twist final
quando descobriram que aquilo não era provocado pelos aliens mas sim pelo governo
teve uns pormenores interessantes que fizeram jus aos titulos anteriores...
Mas depois do 4º foi sempre a descer, a mania de hollywood tentar revitalizar trilogias que porventura já deram o que tinham a dar...
mas vamos lá ver como sai este nono...
Resposta 11:
Nou you don't. The first movies allways suck.
It's like David Fincher's "Seven". In the first movie, Kevin Spacey is caught after having killed some fat guy.
P.S.-Saiu mesmo mal a resposta, mas pronto:p
Resposta 12:
Yes, you also need to see District 9,10,11,12 before you see District 13 (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0414852/) and finally District 13 - Ultimatum.
Ok... tentei... não me matem.
Cumps ;)
"The third trilogy (7, 8, 9) is useless... The first one (the classic trilogy! 4, 5, 6) is the best for sure, not the crap that they have done lately (1, 2, 3: The prequels, bahh)
Burn Hollywood, burn!"
Fã que é fã... Já que houve uma referência a Star Trek.
Abraço Knox!
"Yes, you need. It's essencial that you see the first eight parts so you can understand what's the story about. You should be able to buy the octalogy in any electronic store. Don't forget to lend me the DVD's afterwords."
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