Biloxi Blues" is a captivating movie that draws the viewer into the lives of a group of young men who find themselves thrust into military life during World War II. Neil Simon's writing is sharp and poignant, with keen observations about life, love and war. Despite being classified by many as a comedy, i found the film to work better as a serious drama, as it dealt with important themes like racism, anti-Semitism and homophobia. The cast is great, the chemistry between the actors is palpable, but I have to highlight Christopher Walken as he shines above all others - Broderick included - in his role as a sergeant. A must-watch that is much better than it's often given credit for and, while it may not break new ground, it's easily one of the most interesting lighthearted looks into mid-century military life. And that scene near the end where Walken is drunk with a gun... phenomenal.
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