Dear Governor Palin:
Please let this writing serve as an official request. In light of the recent election results, Cezar Capone Productions would like to make you a formal offer of $2,000,000 to star in an adult "MILF" production. I am sure you are unaware that Cezar Capone is the KING of all "MILF" films. This one time offer also guarantees that you can walk away from our beautiful set with a newer and sexier wardrobe to make up for the $150,000 worth of clothes you had to give back to the GOP. You may be asking yourself why you should even consider such a crazy proposition? The answer is simple; this film will be shot in high definition, and be a glossy, adult production starring a beautiful mother recognized by all of America as well as the rest of the world -the most desirable woman over 40! The film will be distributed internationally on DVD, as well as the website will reside on palinsupermilf.com Please do not take this offer in jest, as it is completely legitimate, we at Cezar Capone are prepared to put the money in escrow immediately. We have taken into consideration that there may be some hesitation to star in an adult production with male talent other than your husband so we are also prepared to kick in an extra $100,000.00 for your husband Todd to star in the movie with you, along with a brand new Arctic Cat snowmobile for him to sweeten the deal. We are anxiously awaiting your reply.
Sincerely, Cezar Capone
Fonte: The Coyote Report
2 comentários:
A notícia mais humorística que li nos últimos tempos.
E tornar-se-ia mais bombástica se Palin aceitasse! :p
Cumps. cinéfilos.
Keep dreaming (or not... :P)!
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