"Homecoming" follows the last days of Peter Sanders who comes home to die after a long stay at the hospital. The story follows his relationship with Joanne, an adulterous wife who desperately tries to reach to him, and Lindsay, his six-year-old daughter who tries to cure him with love and Bob Dylan songs. Peter soon realizes that he’s not fighting cancer but his own fears and frustrations.
E, já agora, destaque para o muito interessante artigo de opinião que o Filipe, ex-colaborador da Take Cinema Magazine, publicou no seu blogue há cerca de uma semana. Hollywood está com medo... e tem razões para isso.
"Hollywood is afraid. And it should be. In response to wide dissatisfaction, movies are getting bigger, louder and more ludicrous, trying to fill the void with thin air, wrongfully judging the audiences’ senses, perception, critical thinking and, ultimately, the capability to understand and appreciate something good."
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