"Not only is Juno one of the best movies of the year, but it also has one of the best movie soundtracks of the last five years. It’s kind of like a Wes Anderson film in the way that it will expose you to a whole new compilation of music (and more specifically Kimya Dawson’s indie folk punk tunes). Yes, the music tends to skew to a younger audience, so if you’re over 40 this might not be your thing." [F]
"At one point, I asked Ellen Page before we started shooting, ‘what do you think Juno listens to?’ And she said ‘The Moldy Peaches’. She went on my computer, played the songs, and I fell in love with it. Diablo and I discussed putting a Moldy Peaches song in it where the characters would sing to each other. I got in touch with Kimya Dawson of The Moldy Peaches and she started sending me her work, which was beautiful, and that became a lot of the soundtrack." [Jason Reitman]
Trivialidade: Juno sucede a The Fountain, vencedor da passada edição dos Globos de Prata CN nesta categoria.
3 comentários:
Peço desculpa, mas o Into The Wild do Eddie, merecia este Globo!!!
não consigo fazer comparação entre a banda sonora entre Into the Wild e Juno, dado que a primeira é uma obra proveniente de um único artista e a segunda é bastante multiartística. Não posso, definitivamente, deixar de louvar ambas :)
A banda sonora do Into the Wild é muito, muito boa também, é verdade. Qualquer um dos filmes poderia ter ganho esta categoria. Cumprimentos abidos e dfms!
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